2 March 2019

Global Diversity CFP Day

Have you always wanted to become a tech conference speaker?

Let 2019 be the year that you make that dream a reality!

Join us at Jozi.JS in March where we will be hosting the Johannesburg Global Diversity CFP Day (https://www.globaldiversitycfpday.com)

This hands on workshop is aimed at new and aspiring speakers. We will help you put together your very first tech talk proposal. We will have a number of experienced speakers on hand to:

  1. give you a warm, inclusive welcome in a safe space
  2. mentor you with your proposal
  3. provide speaking advice
  4. and share their enthusiasm to get you to the stage!

Please note that by attending this event you agree to the Global Diversity CFP Day Code of Conduct which can be found here: https://www.globaldiversitycfpday.com/code-of-conduct