28 April 2015

Redis and ReactJS for fast websites

We discuss the cost/benefit of Redis and React on Node for our use-case of digital media websites.

Redis contains the entire database in memory. This limits the database size, but enables ultimate performance, i.e. fast websites.

React is an isomorphic library which can render HTML on the server, i.e. for fast "pre-rendered" web pages.

We present a Node Express example app, to store blog articles in a Redis database, and render them using React.

About the speaker:

Evan Summers has historically worked as a Java/enterprise developer. In 2014 he joined the IOL digital media team. This team built IOLmobile.co.za using Angular, Java and Node. More recently, they built MojoJazz.iol.co.za using ReactJS, Node and Redis.

Venue kindly sponsored by IO check them out at io.co.za